Beautiful Weekend

So this weekend has been pretty nice.  I didn’t go to the women’s church group.  But that’s OK – my husband and I did end up spending the day yesterday with a lovely couple at an outdoor mall about 45 mins from where we live.  It was a beautiful day, great company and nice to get out an do something different!  Today, I spent most of the day sitting outside in my Serenity Circle, reading from my Life Recovery Bible and working on some crafts.  Another beautiful day!

My brain has been swirling once again with all kinds of ideas.  Visions I have for the future, how to go about the first steps of creating my passion – a women’s ministry.  Doing retreats and workshops…..being able to work with women who feel as though they are stuck and know they are destined for MORE!  I know it will come….God has chosen that path for me….I just tend to wander off in my own direction occasionally……picking up extra “learning experiences” I say!

I finally go back to my doctor this coming Wednesday!  I never thought I’d be so excited to see my psychiatrist!  I have been off my meds now for months and although it’s been a great experience having to really be aware of my emotions – it has been draining trying to keep myself under control!  So yes – I am thrilled to go sit in the waiting room for an hour!

Life is good…..hard…..but good.